Friday, September 12, 2008

Starting to get around

Christopher is becoming mobile

Christopher surprised us teo weeks ago

Hang'in outside with mom

My first two teeth

Trying to escape Christopher with his best friend Eli. They were born a couple hours
apart in the same hospital.


The Godings said...

He is so big, and so cute! I just want to pick him up and squeeze all the little baby rolls! He looks so much like both his daddy and mommy, oh and I see the cuteness of his Auntie Heidi in there too..... :)

ET said...

Look at that baby chub... I LOVE it! SW is running in state flight specials...wanna come visit me???? : )

Karissa said...

What a cutie boy he is. I think we need to discuss his diet though, his thighs are starting to look like his mamas. We love you guys. Thanks for the pix.
Uncle Christopher, Aunt Karissa, Cousin Elijah

G-ma Susan said...

What a sweet little boy! I had a wonderful time actually being with Christopher Matthew, holding and playing with him. We are all looking forward to seeing him in Phoenix soon . . . I mean, after all, he is part desert, you know. I love you all. Keep posting!