Monday, March 31, 2008

Learning to use my hands

Lex and I are planning a trip to Phoenix April 17-21. We will be showing off the new addition to the family. We recently purchased a web cam and have talked with Nathan and Heidi live. See you in a couple weeks.
My cute little butt
I'm learning to grab things
Eat things
Suck things - Hi grandma

I'm happy when I get out of the bath


G-ma Susan said...

Baby Christopher will love seeing that first picture when he is a teenager! I love the new picture sizes! I saw your article in the Union and if I can ever offer any child-rearing advice, I'm available. Did you even know you were pregnant? Was the baby a surprise? Do you need any information on child car seats? diaper changing? anything? (-: !

Karissa said...

Well, it's nice to see the pictures of your family. Keep up the posts and we will continue looking. Christopher is so cute, and so is your son, just kidding, he really is a handsome young boy.
Uncle Christopher (Noll)

John said...

Well it looks like Chris has joined the nudist colony. You guys have got a cutie to show for sure. Hope to see you and the cutie when you make the trip..GGPA Roberts